Barr Al Hikman

Barr al Hikman is about 500 kilometers drive (five hours) from Muscat towards Muhoot arrived at the Hikman Peninsula, landscape of desert sand and low shrubs is made up of a mixture of mud, sand, and seawater.

The terrain of land flooded by sea water for about 148 km making it one of the most important bird migration stations both in Oman.

Also attracts hundreds of birds, predominantly gulls, egrets, and shorebirds that feed from the crabs and fishes that are born in the area along the rest of turtles.

Things to remember before entering to Barr al Hikman:

  1. 4×4 vehicle is essential
  2. Understanding of soil, mud terrain and water
  3. Fill up the gas before you start entering

You can drive across Ash Sharqiyah to Al-Wusta and reach AlKhaluf (called as fishing town) part of the peninsula of Barr Al Hikman.

Get Coordinates
Coordinates (Camp Site):
20°29’25.4″N 58°22’59.0″E
About vijay
Hi! I`m Vijay – exotic travel junkie & a travel photographer. Join me as I share stunning photos, incredible travel stories and useful tips for people who love to venture offroading!